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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Clancy

Christmas 2020

If you are reading this over the Christmas period it’s probable that you are experiencing difficult feelings either for yourself and/or about someone else.

It must feel really difficult. You are not alone. Generally speaking we are not very good at sharing the hard parts of our lives, so if it seems better for everyone else, chances are they too have problems. Social media presents us all with an ideal, but it has been an especially tricky year and it’s okay to feel all the negative feelings that you may have. You won’t always feel this way, try to hold on to that.

It might help to share how you are feeling with someone. Can you think of someone now you can go and talk to? Sometimes writing a text or letter might be easier to start a conversation…

However, if you are here, reading this, the chances are you might not feel you can turn to someone you know. Sometimes we need someone not involved to give us a hand. There are services still open over Christmas.

Firstly, if you are in immediate danger to yourself please do call the Police 999 or Samaritans 116 123. You can also email the Samaritans, there is also a self-help app on the website that might be useful. You do not have to be in a crisis or suicidal to access the Samaritans, this is explained on the website - please see here

Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed and it would help to share this, or you might be a parent experiencing difficult behaviours from your child, so time to talk confidentially to someone over the phone may help at this time.

If you are a child, you can call childline for free, the number is 0800 1111, there is a really helpful website too - If you are scared or in danger call the Police - 999. You will not get into trouble from the Police for doing this.

If you are in an abusive situation and need to alert the Police, you can do so discreetly by following the steps outlined here involving ’55: Silent Solution

If it’s all feeling too much and you just need a breather, see if you can do some mindfulness or breathing exercises, or go for a walk if possible. You might want to listen to some calming music, YouTube has a lot of videos with beautiful scenery alongside restful music, such as Maravillosa,The world is a beautiful place, don’t forget to dream big, where do you want to go when the pandemic subsides? What would you love to see in nature? What places would be calming or inspiring to visit?

I am a child psychotherapist (UKCP Registered); a counsellor; arts and play therapist, covering Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire. You can contact me here.

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